Sunday, April 26, 2020


Writing Our Love Story

Previously Published 

“A Moment in Class” appeared in Literary Alchemy Press
“Anew” appeared in Voice of Eve
“Our Love Story” appeared in Spectrum
“The Moment” appeared in Child Owlet Magazine
“How it is With You” & “You’re a Day at the Beach” appeared in Stormy Island Review

Crystal Lane Swift, PhD is a pushcart nominated writer and communication professor
with accolades in film, academia, and creative writing who speaks, signs, acts, publishes,
sings, performs, writes, paints, teaches and rarely relaxes.  She has presented over 50
times at communication conferences, published 15 academic articles, two academic
books, two full-length literary collections: God Bless Paul and Soup Stories: A
Reconstructed Memoir and two chapbooks: The Way We Were and Tumbleweed: 
Against All Odds.  She is raising her daughter and dog with her love in Alhambra, CA. 

A Moment in Class

I rose above myself as you read my writing over my shoulder. I begged you to join me and
you relented your resistance. We’re only in love because it’s forbidden. Don’t worry beloved.
I’ll never tell. We can mask our romance with illusion—twists of wit—tongues caught in cheeks
—I will go home alone. Your lines will ring in my ear, but my outsides will let it go. I can’t
afford to lose your friendship or respect.  Laugh it all off as you always do—I’ll bury it
beneath my cynicism. I’ve no time nor desire for romance.

If Only

If only I had met you 
I made my permanent vow of silence
Silence at every complaint

If only I had known 
how long life can be 
when you put roots in the wrong soil 
use the wrong fertilizer
If only

In one conversation
you feel me shift from 
cannot move
I’ll see how long
I can stay still


I was a walking dead woman 
I had released any hope of joy
My scars threatened to reopen

You tell a tragic story so beautifully, you say,
touching my hand 
as if it were the most beautiful appendage 
God had ever created.

Don’t kiss me, I tell you, 
hugging you, 
trying my best not to allow your scent 
to completely intoxicate me.  
It will only make it harder.

You know I’m leaving; 
you’ll let me go—but you don’t want to.  
Well, if I can’t kiss you, someone should.

How You Sweep Me off My Feet

1. You notice me

I notice you too
There was a spark from the beginning

2. You listen to the good, the bad, the happy, and sad

You remember everything I say

3. You tailor your communication to fit what you know about me

You learn me so well

4. You wait

Even when the waiting gets nearly impossible

5. You respond

In ways that were previously only in dreams or movies

6. You keep noticing

Every little thing

7. You keep listening

To every little thing

8. You love me

Your Acceptance

I stand before you
Stripped of external glory
All those accomplishments fall away
My once svelte body now softer around the edges
All I planned, slipping like hourglass sand through my fingers
I can no longer keep myself busy enough to distract from my despair

You say you will take me as I am

Moment by Moment

We’ve said it in every language but English
We’re mastering this Levanasian orientation care for the other unmatched by precedence
You are worth re-arranging my life for

There are no words, only images
Moonlight paints a coat of dim light around our cocoon
You keep tapping at my heart to offer me yours

[I invite you in]

Your fingers lace through mine like the perfect pair of gloves
You smell like home

Sweat                                                  Bacon on the Stove                                  Bubble Bath

We’re composing this song written with this history we’re building

Brick by brick
Moment by moment
Mile by mile
Look by look 
Smile by smile

Transcendental, transformational, fingertip to fingertip, lip to lip, hip to hip
This dance is more graceful than any lake of swans
Even when we ignite that stubbornness within

We’re filling our canvas with strokes of memories and moments 
    we never could have authored on our own
You've discovered a depth I never thought I had. 

I pale by comparison. 
I'm pale by comparison.
I'm a pale comparison. 

Your digging and my building synthesize to a beauty yet to be expressed.

Write me between your lines 
Etch me into the history we’re building

Text by text
Meal by meal
Night by night
Word by word
Breath by breath
Kiss by kiss
Trace my outline with your fingertips as you let me in a little farther, a little deeper
Until we are Aristotle’s one soul in two bodies
Until we simultaneously embody Derrida’s host and hostage

May our intellect deconstruct the surface paradoxes
May our compassion reappropriate our differences to similarities
May our joy fill the [scars and] holes that others left
Allow the windows of your soul to swallow mine in this moment

[Promise me forever and let us both spend the rest of time attempting to make good on that promise]

Take me by the hand
Lead with a pull
Follow my tug

The Sharpening

The edges were always sharp
Thick black lines
Like they were made by a steady hand and a Sharpie
Everything was neat and clean
No further explanation needed
Picture perfect
Like contemporary design
Nothing complicated
But no color either
Then you blew your kiss
Two fingers to your lips
Straight to my heart
A little light began in my chest
Each beat spreading the light toward my extremities
My perfectly planned world
Suddenly exposed as grey and white and black
You brought your rainbow
Your bold colors
Your heat
Your feeling and openness
Things have never been sharper

I Called You Poet

I called you poet
Your ears blushed at my suggestion
You think the poet must beautify 
Create a doily or rainbow
Perhaps all we do is tell the truth
Show the imperfections that exist
But appreciate them
You do

You told me something beautiful
I swooned

You showed me your walking corpse metaphor
The one that shows how I have your heart
I nearly cried

You share with me 
Every longing

With your words
You poet

Your Words
Not long ago, the only romance I had was in the form of watching romantic comedies
You’re my dream girl
The guy always said the prefect things
I can’t believe I get to love you
I longed for that, knowing it was a pipe dream
This was never anything but serious
I have learned it can be real
I look forward to Saturdays
People only call it corny to console themselves about not having that perfect mate
I was just thinking that I get to have you as my wife one day, if you’ll have me
I believe in you and all of the promises you have made

Who we Are

I was once Pam with a Roy
Passing ships in the night
You were Jim with a Karen
With someone just not right

We’ve never been Erin and Gabe
Insecure and a wrong fit
We’re a little Michael and Jan 
Not a lot, but in humor a bit

We’re a little Andy and Erin
Fun loving and free
A little Andy and Angela
When I take things too seriously

Even Dwight and Angela 
Talking in code in the office
A bit Ryan and Kelly
Not at all cautious

We’re kind of Phyllis and Bob
As to old hits we dance
Also Michael and Holly
In our brand of romance

As many different characters we can be
When we look at who you are and I am
Let’s be completely honest
You’re really the Jim to my Pam


When I worked in a bakery
sometimes my hot pads would slip 
and I would try to touch the hot pan without touching it
Now I have 
Hugged you with the slightest space between our chests
Kissed you without kissing you
Laid next to you without sleeping with you
Held your hand without fingers interlocking
Made love without sex
Imagine if we could only get closer

Your Songs

A joke and a look sparked some strange magic
Something about us made it impossible to deny
Your heart, beating in tune with mine, creating the perfect rhythm for a moondance
I want nothing more than to be true to you
The way you make me feel is better than I have perhaps ever
And you do it time after time
Especially when we’re one on one
I was born in November, you in July
The time since building to our fantasy
We’ll enjoy a sweet summer breeze now instead of 
Sitting around, holding back the years
Each year apart felt so long, so meandering, but this will be our year
Let’s stay together

Journey to Oz

The tin man was missing a heart
the scarecrow a brain
and the lion courage

My heart beats more 
in your chest 
than my own

When you walk away
my skin begins to firm 
and shine to tin

My mind fixates on you
occasionally abandoning its responsibilities

As your touch singes my skin
it singes my straw

The courage I never thought I would have 
is apparent now

You don’t stand in front of me 
or behind, so we travel down the yellow brick road 
hand in hand 
on this shared journey to Oz

How it is With You

Something about the bite of the evening air 
mixed with the sharp smell of pine
I am 16 or 17 again
There’s a sick in the pit of my stomach 
20 years ago this was due to a deep insecurity and fear of the future 
Now it’s just an aching and longing for you
You have renewed my youth 
reignited my passions
We didn’t dress up our baggage 
and set in a corner 
in hopes that it would remain undiscovered
Instead we brought it to the center of the room 
opened it up 
showed each other each item that had brought us 

No rejection
Only hope 

My heartbeat has changed
My heart beats within you
And yours within me

The Moment

We spend an evening bathed in the lights of the parking lot.
Whether it is seconds or hours, I cannot decipher.
We sit in the car, is it mine or yours?
Our immediate scene fades behind your smile, your confession, my reciprocal expression, the night freezing around us.
I do not expect the sincerity of your words to hit me square in the chest.
My head is magnetized to you shoulder.
Your hands caress my cheek.
Your lips dance with mine . . .
 . . . or does the music dance for you?
You translate una lingua I only mostly understand.
I press this intensity deeper into my heart and soul to save for another day.
Your eyes lock with mine and I cannot help but place my lips and my words to your ear.
I cannot believe I get to keep you
Believe it, baby.
I leave heat on your throat and you do not blush away.
This is the first of our moment nuestro momento inolvidable.

What You Keep Doing to Me

That body of yours
Those eyes
That face
That smile
The way you look at me
Shake your head in disbelief
I need to be near you
I need to go to sleep with you
I need to wake up with you
I need to be loved by you
I need to be loved by you
I need to be loved by you

Our Love Story

You are a king posing as a farm boy
Me a queen living as a princess
Trapped by a selfish prince
I shouldn’t have said, “I do”
But the prince never lived up to his vows anyhow
Your brown velvet eyes look into my soul as you whisper, “As you wish”
You make promises that almost feel inconceivable 
You make me laugh and hope
If there are rocks ahead, I know we won’t be dead
I mean it, and I know you want a peanut
No matter how high and steep the cliff
Together we will conquer
You utter the words
True love
And I believe

Change the Rain

It’s rain 
Sweet rain
Sipping in breath
As if it may not be there in the next moment
But no candles
I was dying as I breathed
No pretty perfumes
No soft music

Nothing but rain
Sweet rain
He burned the depths of me
Any virtue of my birthright was erased
I hadn’t requested this
Nothing would cleanse me again
Forever changed

But there was this rain
Sweet rain
God cried
He cried for him
He cried for me

I bled not blood
But joy
And dreams
And hope
All was stolen

I ingested the warm
Strong smoke
It circled around my head
And there was rain
Sweet rain
Trying to cool this ugly fire left in me 
With rain
Sweet rain

As if to seal the memory of this moment

Candles and rose petals 
I rise as a Phoenix with each breath
And your soft love songs

You ignite a fire within me
Heal wounds seen and unseen
This, the answer to my deepest desires
You cleanse what I was once forever marred

Cries joy for you
Cries joy for me

I moan not only pleasure from flesh, but soul

You give me everything

Desire within you
Pouring from mind, body, soul

You change the rain
You rewrite the rain with me

You’re a Day at the Beach

The sand scrubs my feet running on the shore
Just allowing the waves to lap the slightest at my toes
Until I’m ready for the plunge
Out I go into the freezing Pacific
Cold, icing the lifeblood in my veins
Rip tide threatening to pull me deep, too deep
I let it
Just a little
Then fight and swim my way to gentler water
Rolling as the waves are pulled by the moon
Out shown by the sun in San Diego’s July 15th noon
I ride the waves with my body back to shore
The waters hug and caress my curves
Chilling my hips, my thighs, my chest
My arms make their strokes as my legs kick
Lips go blue as the sun sinks beneath the horizon
Mother beckons me back to shore
The car ride home lulls me into a sun-warmed nap
I awaken as we pull into the garage
Manage my way to a hot shower
Discover the places that the sun kissed me too hard
The burns reveal our intimate moments like hickeys in a 19 year old’s back seat
Water pressure removes sand from places I am still discovering on my body
As I exit the shower, I wrap myself in a soft, dry towel
Take myself to my room
Put on my soft cotton skull-printed pajama bottoms and tank top
As my head rests on my pillow
I still feel the waves
Rolling through my body
Calming and massaging me to sleep
That’s what you do to me

What We Give

I’m sitting here
at the mix of music 
you tailor made for me.
My ears and chest 
turn the color of beets
and I try to hide 
that I want you 
as much as I do . . . 
I don’t want you to lose interest.
I cannot wait to see you again, 
to hold you in my arms, 
to make you mine all over again.
You are always 
right about what I will do
before I do it.  
You know me 
better than I sometimes know myself.
I gave you everything you wanted; 
I just hope you keep coming back for more.
Love me with all that you are.
I will continue to love you with all that I am.
I fell asleep the moment you laid back and relaxed
bathed in your scent
memories spinning 
in to dreams and fantasies . . .
I barely got up in time to get here.

What You Have Done to Me . . .

I have been so very careful
guarding my heart [and such].
I have tried 
with all of my might 
to keep myself from being destroyed once more.
I thought [that if I fought for perfection] I might be a better person.

As you found your way 
toward my soul
into my heart
and under my skin . . . 
. . . my flaws [started to show through].
The iron clad façade 
[that I placed before my vulnerabilities] 
remains in tact for the world . . . 
not because I am afraid for them to see how much you mean to me . . . 
but because the world does not deserve to see 
the beauty you give to me 
and conjure up inside of my depth.

Without reservation, I give myself to you.
I can do no less.
You are everything.

Next to You

This rubber band ball of description 
will never live up to reality - - only bounce off of the perimeter and back to my hand
The Holy Book, the beer, the pen, the ball game, the sunlight and the rain
Combine to lay a path rarely taken
We worship with body and mind
Loving each other as God would have us experience

Next to you 
Touching you
Rising and falling
Shining with the morning slightly sleepy sunlight
Curled up under black stripes and fuzzy purple
Atop our forgiving pillows

We lay quietly side by side - - wrapped in each others’ flesh
As the sun rises and filters through the blinds
I’ll wake you early again
But you’ll think I’m worth it

Morning Farewell

Middle finger
Then palm to left chest
Moves outward
Index, thumb, pinky upward
Middle and ring touching palm
Smile spreads across thick pink lips
Revealing just so slightly crooked teeth
Brown velvet eyes sparkle with wonder and admiration
I’m only driving away to return

19 Again

Hanging by a Moment, you assure me
The Best is Yet to Come and I believe you
Your presence is The Haunting 
Of my soul Underneath it All
As we stroll down Ocean Avenue, you whisper
She’s so High and I know you will always elevate me
Absolutely you are co-writing this (story of a girl)
You will always get The Best of Me
Every moment we spend apart, I Wish You were Here
I hope I am all you ever wanted When You were Young and so much more
Your love makes me Vindicated
I will always strive to be your real-life Wonderwall, as you are mine
No matter what others think, we’ll never be justifiably Stigmatized in this love

The Smolder

There’s something about these late spring nights 
Epistemology of the fringe
The scent of the honeysuckle adds an edge of warmth to the crisp 
Dark laughter
I told you earlier I wasn’t fighting with you. 
I wasn’t. 
It was never about the gas station
I was only nearly wrestling with demons 
left by someone else entirely 
perhaps dark angels I created myself
Dramatic silence of the movies
I may always push 
I’m still learning about you
How did we even make it here?
I may always be obsessed with perfect surfaces
I may always convince myself I don’t deserve all that is you
The street lights flicker ever so slightly as I walked by
I wonder if that has anything to do with the electricity you’ve pushed into my heart
That field of energy that I never thought I could experience 
We know precisely what’s at stake
The complexity of articulating 
Impermanence of life
Apprehension of beauty
You have made the impossible within reach
To say you have changed my life will never be enough
The world isn’t even in the same medium anymore
I wonder if anyone will gather to read my words in the wake of my death
As long as we have each other in Heaven 
and leave the legacy of our children on earth
it will be enough

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