Sunday, April 26, 2020


Love in the Time of the Coronavirus

Flat Earth

I am flattening the curve
Staying home
Ready to chew my foot off
A coyote in a trap
Brimming with bad metaphors
I have flattened the excuses
For not doing all the things
I should have done years ago
Too busy
Too tired
Too stressed
From the day-to-day
Oh, I would have done that
But, you know

Damn you, Covid-19 
You have laid bare my procrastination
Added hours to the day
As I sit at home
Thinking of new rationalizations
Conjuring up different lies
Searching for innovative distractions
Sharpening my cynicism
As I tap words on my phone
Really believing
I am doing something


We sit in our backyard
Staring at the fence
Leaves and limbs shadow puppet against redwood
We feel the darkness that light does not touch
We sit side-by-side looking forward
Saying nothing 
Watching the absence dance
Hoping to feel
Waiting for the shadows 
To fade away

World Poetry Day

Is World Poetry Day
Did you know that?
I didn’t feel much like writing one
Does it really matter
in these lockdown days?
Sitting on my steps
I watch
People walking their dogs
Riding bikes in thin-spread lines
Stopping, chatting 
Saying hello while waving at safe distance
How are you? Stay healthy
Letting the cool spring day envelope them
As they stroll on shadowed sidewalks
Looking forward
Finding light where they can
And I realized
World Poetry Day really doesn’t matter
Because poetry surrounds me
Every day

Pandemic Haiku

You coughed just once, love
And I eased away from you


Home a hearth
Where radiant embers once fell
Bright sparks escaping roaring fires of laughter
The light casting joyful shadows 
A thousand years 
And a moment ago

Home once a refuge
I could see in your eyes
We peer from behind sheer curtains
The windows outside filled
with imprisoned silhouettes 
Staring back at us

Home a memory
Sometimes beautiful chaos
Where we gathered together
Hugging without consequence
Finding strength in numbers

Home now changing
Transfigured each day
Into something different
We look into the rooms of yesterday
Only to find them haunted

Home still home
Our fingers intertwined
Two hands in prayer
Genuflecting before the altar of once was
Yearning for the return of the every day 
Missing the years taken for granted

Love in the Time of the Coronavirus

Tell me, would you stand beneath my window?
Your masked breath caught in a contained mid-swoon.
Flesh under gloves white as the falling snow.
Singing songs of loss to the pallid moon.
Would you look into these panicking eyes?
Walk bravely down the toilet paper aisle.
Fight side-by-side, find where the water lies.
Hand not in mine in blissful denial.
Can we make love without touching at all?
Groaning loud passion into waiting sleeves.
Shuddering endings to our FaceTime calls.
Sanitizing screens for the next reprieve.
Will you dare to kiss me without a mask?
Would you die for love, Love - that’s all I ask


It is the silence
The still that encompasses anticipation
So quiet I can hear the ring in my ears
The world has hit mute
Branches sway in pantomime
This television aquarium life
filled with colors swimming in heatless beauty
The streets without movement empty of context
I want to speak
But am afraid the fragile sky will shatter
Time has slowed in the gelatinous air
Memories caught in the glacial flow 
Trapped nostalgia haunting each step
I am a ghost
Breathing dust and doubt

My shadow preceded me in long movement against the pavement 
Proving I am not invisible
That I am solid enough
to block the emerging light
As the church bell tolls
Ushering in the newborn day

Dotted Lines

I fantasize
Six feet from you
As we form a dotted line 
Waiting to grocery shop
Your thin hands are so alluring beneath purple nitrile gloves
Your eyes seductively dart above your Covid burka
I can see you are a wild one, too
Moving within five feet of me like that
I close my eyes
Seeing us
Dare I even think it?
Perhaps just three feet apart
Being scandalous
Our shadows practically touching
As we stage whisper 
Maybe there is toilet paper today
Do you Zoom?
Oh, wouldn’t that be delicious?
We are at the beach together
The sun bleaching our eyes
The salty breeze sterilizing our skin 
You standing high on the pier
While I wave from the beach
Until sunset fades our ardor
I imagine a smile is cloistered behind your cotton armor
I can hear you shouting goodbye
And it is music smothered by a pillow 

The line is staccato molasses
Rush hour on the 5
Standing, standing, standing
Then going forward just enough
To make us believe this will end
One day

I wonder what you are thinking
Perhaps you are thinking of me
As we plod chain gang ahead
Urged forward by underpaid bosses
I want to say it will be better
Some day 
By the way
What is your name?
But you are ushered into the store
Raptured into the fluorescent aisles
And I am left behind
Still waiting for salvation


We are prodigals returning 
glances of solace
Sharing the unexpected vow
of a slow fall
None of us know
What we will breathe tomorrow
What whispers we will tell each other
to keep the faith
I walk down the sidewalk
Daring the day to take me
You roundabout in the vacant street
Waving incantations against tomorrow
We understand now what it is like
to build cathedrals bringing light to darkness
Stone hands reaching to the heavens
Bells tolling, echoing to the vacant sky
We pray for permanence in a shifting world
We speak in tongues 
Only we understand 
A smile, a sigh, a short-lived laugh
The breeze on our faces a hymn
The shadows genuflecting on the grass
The sun still here
After all

We will…

A blanket covers new Spring light
As earth bursts forth
Unaware that the world has changed
The spinach and lettuce grow side-by side
Blissfully unaware of six-foot spaces
Clouds spot white against the cerulean sky
Dark and light
Casting shadows on our shadowed world 
The roses reach up 
Rising, worshipping the waiting dawn
Spring flows in and around us as we huddle
Ignoring calamity with quiet disregard
Exhaling the defeat of winter
All of it everywhere, everything
So quiet and yet so fierce
Hope embracing us, tenacious and enduring
Change breathing change 
The silence surrounding us whispering
We will endure

We will endure


  1. Lovely, especially Home. Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.

  2. There he is the Poet Lauri'ain't of South on as always!
    Love your stuff Rick!
